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Actual shape of the canthal angles of the eyes.

2012. 10. 4. 12:27

Inner area of Asian eyes is covered by Mongolian folds (For Asians, Mongolian folds start from the Inner corner of the eyes). The epicanthal angles(corners) can be exposed to some extent only by epicanthoplasty. The shapes of the hidden epicanthal angle are quite various and different, but generally, Asian eyes’ angles are rounder and shorter than those of the Caucasians.


Example) Round and curved shape of epicanthal angle



Example) Structural double eyelid surgeries combined with Magic epicanthoplasty in case of the long and sharp epicanthal angle


Example) Caucasian's canthal angle




Example) This picture shows a case of an impossible surgical reformation due to the asymmetric shape of the canthal angle and caruncles(the red tissue at inner corner)



Example) These pictures shows the results from undergoing Magic epicanthoplasty after the asymmetric Mongolian folds.





'English post > Epicanthus' 카테고리의 다른 글

what is Mongolian fold (epicanthal fold) ?  (0) 2012.10.04