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Natural double eyelids of Asians(Mongoloid races) -Teuim Clinic

2015. 4. 29. 15:58

Types of double eyelids



Inner double eyelids











In-out folders (tapered line)






Out-folders (parallel line)







High degree out-folders similar to those of Westerners





An incomplete double eyelid with wrinkles





Double eyelid surgery


It is said that a first impression of a person is determined in just a few seconds. Among other body features of a person, the most important part would be the eyes. Many people visit the plastic surgery clinic and ask about eyes.

And frankly, women undergo surgeries on the eyes the most. When having double eyelids, they look brighter and give a feeling of intimate and open-minded impressions. But although performing a double eyelid surgery is common in Korea, the surgical technique itself is not simple or easy at all.

Although many patients think it is just a simple surgery, the surgeon who performs this surgery requires abundant knowledge of anatomy, extreme carefulness, and excellent sense of understanding of the facial beauty because plastic surgery on eyes requires to consider the size of eyes, the expression of the eyes, Mongolian folds, power of the eye muscle, height of the nose, size of the face, skin condition and so on.

Uniformly created double eyelids without aesthetic point of view can make them look unnatural and result in disastrous outcomes. Therefore, all plastic surgeons must be responsible for their surgical procedures.

Recently, many people prefer a natural looking double eyelid to a large double eyelid. So the methods of operation keep developing in the manner of making more natural and refined images of your eyes.










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Actual shape of the canthal angles of the eyes.

2012. 10. 4. 12:27

Inner area of Asian eyes is covered by Mongolian folds (For Asians, Mongolian folds start from the Inner corner of the eyes). The epicanthal angles(corners) can be exposed to some extent only by epicanthoplasty. The shapes of the hidden epicanthal angle are quite various and different, but generally, Asian eyes’ angles are rounder and shorter than those of the Caucasians.


Example) Round and curved shape of epicanthal angle



Example) Structural double eyelid surgeries combined with Magic epicanthoplasty in case of the long and sharp epicanthal angle


Example) Caucasian's canthal angle




Example) This picture shows a case of an impossible surgical reformation due to the asymmetric shape of the canthal angle and caruncles(the red tissue at inner corner)



Example) These pictures shows the results from undergoing Magic epicanthoplasty after the asymmetric Mongolian folds.





'English post > Epicanthus' 카테고리의 다른 글

what is Mongolian fold (epicanthal fold) ?  (0) 2012.10.04
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what is Mongolian fold (epicanthal fold) ?

2012. 10. 4. 11:37

what is Mongolian folds? ( = Epicanthus, Epicanthal fold, Epicanthic fold)


Examples) Very severe types of Mongolian folds


A vertical fold of skin over the angle of the inner canthus of the eye. It may be slight or marked, covering the canthus and the caruncle. Also called epicanthus, epicanthal fold, epicanthic fold.

Epicanthic folds may be seen in young children of any ethnicity before the bridge of the nose begins to elevate. They may persist where birth is pre-term.

A Mongolian fold is a typical characteristic among North American Indian and Northeast Mongolian races. It often refers to a type of fold where the skin hangs down from the epicanthal region, which passes through the corner of your eyes and finally covers the inner canthus of your eye. Statistics show that most Koreans have Mongolian folds starting from the canthal area, covering the corner of the eyes in various ways. This can create a small and stuffy look of the eye and can worsen one’s impression. The weaker the Mongolian fold, the more refined your eyes’ impressions become. In some ethnicities, the presence of an epicanthic fold is associated with a less prominent upper eyelid crease, commonly termed "single eyelids" as opposed to "double eyelids". The two features are distinct, a person may have both epicanthic fold and upper eyelid crease, one or neither.

If there is no Mongolian fold in one’s eyes, it can be said that he or she has more dominant genes of other races than those of the North Mongolian race. It is a hereditary trait in Asian people and is of no clinical significance.


Example) Typical eyes with a single eyelid accompanied with Mongolian folds

Example) Faded or very light Mongolian folds

Example) Prominent Mongolian folds



'English post > Epicanthus' 카테고리의 다른 글

Actual shape of the canthal angles of the eyes.  (0) 2012.10.04